Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1126/sciadv.adq2654
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Aridity drives the response of soil total and particulate organic carbon to drought in temperate grasslands and shrublands
Author Shi, B.; Delgado-Baquerizo, M.; Knapp, A.K.; Smith, M.D.; Reed, S.; Osborne, B.; Carrillo, Y.; Maestre, F.T.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, A.; Wilkins, K.; Holdrege, M.C.; Kulmatiski, A.; Picon-Cochard, C.; Roscher, C.; Power, S.; Byrne, K.M.; Churchill, A.C.; Jentsch, A.; Henry, H.A.L.; Beard, K.H.; Schuchardt, M.A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Otfinowski, R.; Hautier, Y.; Shen, H.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, C.; Cusack, D.F.; Petraglia, A.; Carbognani, M.; Forte, T.G.W.; Flory, L.; Hou, P.; Zhang, T.; Gao, W.; Sun, W.
Source Titel Science Advances
Year 2024
Department PHYDIV
Volume 10
Issue 40
Page From eadq2654
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Abstract The increasing prevalence of drought events in grasslands and shrublands worldwide potentially has impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC). We leveraged the International Drought Experiment to study how SOC, including particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) concentrations, responds to extreme drought treatments (1-in-100-year) for 1 to 5 years at 19 sites worldwide. In more mesic areas (aridity index > 0.65), SOC and POC concentrations decreased by 7.9% (±3.9) and 15.9% (±6.2) with drought, respectively, but there were no impacts on MAOC concentrations. However, drought had no impact on SOC, POC, or MAOC concentrations in drylands (aridity index < 0.65). The response of SOC to drought varied along an aridity gradient, concomitant with interannual precipitation variability and standing SOC concentration gradients. These findings highlight the differing response magnitudes of POC and MAOC concentrations to drought and the key regulating role of aridity.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Shi, B., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Knapp, A.K., Smith, M.D., Reed, S., Osborne, B., Carrillo, Y., Maestre, F.T., Zhu, Y., Chen, A., Wilkins, K., Holdrege, M.C., Kulmatiski, A., Picon-Cochard, C., Roscher, C., Power, S., Byrne, K.M., Churchill, A.C., Jentsch, A., Henry, H.A.L., Beard, K.H., Schuchardt, M.A., Eisenhauer, N., Otfinowski, R., Hautier, Y., Shen, H., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, C., Cusack, D.F., Petraglia, A., Carbognani, M., Forte, T.G.W., Flory, L., Hou, P., Zhang, T., Gao, W., Sun, W. (2024):
Aridity drives the response of soil total and particulate organic carbon to drought in temperate grasslands and shrublands
Sci. Adv. 10 (40), eadq2654 10.1126/sciadv.adq2654