Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Preprints |
DOI | 10.21203/ |
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Title (Primary) | Long-term effects of farmyard manure addition on soil organic matter molecular composition: C transformation as a major driver of energetic potential |
Author | Simon, C.
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Source Titel | Research Square |
Year | 2024 |
Department | EAC; MEB |
Language | englisch |
Topic | T7 Bioeconomy |
Abstract | Long-term addition of farmyard manure (FYM) supports the accumulation of microbial C and soil organic matter (SOM), but the effects on energy storage remain unknown. In particular, it remains unresolved whether FYM or the stimulation of microbial transformations explains the increased microbial imprint. The latter would suggest that the accumulation of SOM transformation products controls energy storage, rather than FYM directly. We hypothesized that the overlap with original FYM signatures could be used as a measure of SOM transformation and its effect on SOM's nominal oxidation state of C (NOSC) and energetic potential ΔG0Cox. We employed solid-state laser desorption ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-MS) to study molecular signatures of FYM samples and topsoil from four long-term field experiments receiving FYM, and unfertilized controls. In line with bulk elemental analysis, LDI-FT-ICR-MS suggested that FYM addition increased SOM's energetic potential (0.7 – 1.2 kJ/mol C). FYM addition changed SOM composition by 3 - 16% of ion abundance as compared to controls, being larger in longer-running field experiments. Markers unrelated to original FYM signatures (i.e., indirect effects) explained 67 – 84% of molecular changes while markers directly related to FYM explained only 2 – 12%. FYM addition shifted molecular composition to higher H/C, O/C and m/z, and lower aromaticity. Accumulated molecules had higher energetic potentials and were, despite being chemically similar to original FYM, elevated in mass, suggesting potential use of FYM-derived building blocks for microbial synthesis of larger molecules. Vanishing molecules showed lower energetic potential, mirroring the higher oxidation state of water-extractable organic matter, which pointed to an increased solubility of SOM. Our results indicate a uniform shift in SOM properties upon FYM addition, but highlight the role of site-specific trajectories of SOM compositional change. We discuss the implications of FYM-induced microbial transformations for energy storage and long-term stability of SOM. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Simon, C., Miltner, A., Mulder, I., Kaiser, K., Lorenz, M., Thiele-Bruhn, S., Lechtenfeld, O.J. (2024): Long-term effects of farmyard manure addition on soil organic matter molecular composition: C transformation as a major driver of energetic potential Research Square 10.21203/ |