Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131467
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Combined effects of geological heterogeneity and discharge events on groundwater and surface water mixing
Author Nogueira, G.E.H.; Partington, D.; Heidbüchel, I.; Fleckenstein, J.H.
Source Titel Journal of Hydrology
Year 2024
Department HDG
Volume 638
Page From art. 131467
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Surface water-groundwater mixing; Riparian zone; Exchange process; Geological heterogeneity; Discharge event; Numerical model
Abstract Stream water (SW) infiltration to the subsurface and subsequent mixing with groundwater (GW) is crucial for controlling water quality in river-corridors. Mixing of solutes from SW and GW triggers biogeochemical reactions, which can attenuate contaminant influx from upstream SW or from GW that eventually enters the river in downstream regions. It is known that geological heterogeneity affects SW-GW exchange fluxes (EF), however, the combined effects of both hydrological and geological aspects (e.g., sand fraction present in the aquifer material) on EF and on SW-GW mixing in strong contrasting bimodal aquifer units remain unclear. Here, we examined this gap by combining geostatistical realizations, fully-integrated numerical flow simulations, and a mixing-cell routine to assess the major controls on EF and to evaluate how mixing develops and is affected by stream discharge events with different magnitudes and durations. Results show that subsurface heterogeneity at the river-reach scale mainly affects EF magnitudes rather than EF patterns. Yet, both EF magnitudes and SW-GW mixing increased with the introduction of subsurface heterogeneity and with the increase of average hydraulic conductivity (K) values and sand fraction in the models. The simulations further indicated a larger potential for mixing under more frequent, short events regardless of the aquifer material, however, mixing values were generally higher for sandier and heterogeneous models. Lastly, for a high K contrast between subsurface units, these effects were more pronounced. This characterization is critical for river restoration strategies and for downstream management of dam-regulated rivers. Our study elucidates the interplay between hydrological and geological controls on the development of SW-GW mixing at intermediate scales and highlights the importance of considering aquifer characteristics in future studies.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Nogueira, G.E.H., Partington, D., Heidbüchel, I., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2024):
Combined effects of geological heterogeneity and discharge events on groundwater and surface water mixing
J. Hydrol. 638 , art. 131467 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131467