Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Stadtquartiere auf Zeit in einer alternden Gesellschaft. Detailstudien in Wolfen-Nord und Hoyerswerda-Neustadt
Author Peter, A.
Source Titel Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde
Year 2006
Department SUSOZ
Volume 80
Issue 3
Page From 275
Page To 293
Language deutsch
UFZ inventory Z, Leipzig - Bibliothek, Magazin, 66.1992 - 86.2012
Abstract In the course of the last years population decline and demographic aging have become decisive determinants of urban deveopments in the eastern part of Germany. Dealing with housing vacancies and a shrinking demand for social and technical infrastructures has come to be a routine job in the work of most local authorities. In numerous towns the population decline is so serious that whole residential areas have to be given up.This process of urban restructuring will extend over several years and cause stress, strains and uncertainties. Extensive urban restructuring schemes that include the demolition of whole housing blocks do therefore come together with significant social and psychological implications. Here we discuss the results of an empirical study that, for the first time, addressed the relations between the ageing of residents and urban restructuring. The analysis shows that already today the supply of residential alternatives for older people, who have to leave their apartments to make place for demolitions, is neither quantitatively nor qualitatively guaranteed in a sufficient manner. As a result, we find that urban restructuring needs to go beyond the aim of achieving a housing market equlibrium. We see a significant need for a new role of changes of social and dempgraphical structures in urban planning.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Peter, A. (2006):
Stadtquartiere auf Zeit in einer alternden Gesellschaft. Detailstudien in Wolfen-Nord und Hoyerswerda-Neustadt
Ber. z. dt. Landeskunde 80 (3), 275 - 293