Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s10338-023-00452-6
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Title (Primary) Phase-field modeling of thermal fracture and shear heating in rocks with degraded thermal conductivity across crack
Author You, T. ORCID logo ; Zhu, Q.; Li, W.; Shao, J.
Source Titel Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Year 2024
Department ENVINF
Volume 37
Page From 711
Page To 726
Language englisch
Topic T8 Georesources
T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Phase-field; Micromechanics; Heat transfer; Thermal conductivity degradation; Shear heating
Abstract By incorporating two different fracture mechanisms and salient unilateral effects in rock materials, we propose a thermomechanical phase-field model to capture thermally induced fracture and shear heating in the process of rock failure. The heat conduction equation is derived, from which the plastic dissipation is treated as a heat source. We then ascertain the effect of the non-associated plastic flow on frictional dissipation and show how it improves the predictive capability of the proposed model. Taking advantage of the multiscale analysis, we propose a phase-field-dependent thermal conductivity with considering the unilateral effect of fracture. After proposing a robust algorithm for solving involved three-field coupling and damage-plasticity coupling problems, we present three numerical examples to illustrate the abilities of our proposed model in capturing various thermo-mechanically coupled behaviors.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
You, T., Zhu, Q., Li, W., Shao, J. (2024):
Phase-field modeling of thermal fracture and shear heating in rocks with degraded thermal conductivity across crack
Acta Mech. Solida Sin. 37 , 711 - 726 10.1007/s10338-023-00452-6