Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Reports
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10401324
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) REcoTox - a workflow to process US EPA ECOTOX Knowledgebase ASCII files (PDF version) [Software documentation]
Author Schulze, T. ORCID logo
Source Titel Zenodo
Year 2023
Department WANA
Language englisch
Topic T9 Healthy Planet
Abstract The search and extraction of experimental ecotoxicological information is often a tedious work. A good and comprehensive data source is the US EPA ECOTOX Knowledgebase. It contains more than 1 million data points for almost 13,000 chemicals and 14,000 single species. However, for a high-throughput hazard assessment, it is not possible to extract all relevant data of the online database. The purpose of REcoTox is to extract the relevant information and to aggregate the data based on the user criteria out of the entire database ASCII files.
REcoTox is a semi-automated, interactive workflow to process US EPA ECOTOX Knowledgebase entire database ASCII files to extract and process ecotoxicological data relevant (but not restricted) to the eco toxicity groups algae, crustaceans, and fish in the aquatic domain. The focus is aquatic ecotoxicity and the unit of the retrieved data is mg/L.
The document is the vignette document to train people on the usage of REcoTox.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Schulze, T. (2023):
REcoTox - a workflow to process US EPA ECOTOX Knowledgebase ASCII files (PDF version) [Software documentation]