Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.1002/9781119489702.ch1
Title (Primary) Ecohydrological interfaces as hotspots of ecosystem processes
Title (Secondary) Ecohydrological interfaces
Author Krause, S.; Lewandowski, J.; Grimm, N.B.; Hannah, D.M.; Pinay, G.; McDonald, K.; Martí, E.; Argerich, A.; Pfister, L.; Klaus, J.; Battin, T.; Larned, S.T.; Schelker, J.; Fleckenstein, J.H.; Schmidt, C.; Rivett, M.O.; Watts, G.; Sabater, F.; Sorolla, A.; Turk, V.
Publisher Krause, S.; Hannah, D.M.; Grimm, N.B.
Year 2024
Department HDG
Page From 1
Page To 28
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords ecohydrological interfaces; freshwater ecosystems; multi-scale conceptual models; organizational principles
Abstract In this chapter, the authors aim to uncover the organizational principles – the main drivers and controls, and their interactions and feedbacks – that determine the development and capacity of ecohydrological interfaces to transform the flow of energy, water, and matter between adjacent ecosystems. They compare the characteristics of transformation processes at different ecohydrological interfaces in freshwater ecosystems, including groundwater–surface water, groundwater–vadose zone, and benthic–pelagic interfaces, to determine common or unique features of their non-linear process dynamics. Based on a comparison of the organizational principles of different ecohydrological interfaces, the authors propose a roadmap for the development of multi-scale conceptual models of ecohydrological interface processes and their interactions that can be expanded to other types of ecohydrological interfaces.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Krause, S., Lewandowski, J., Grimm, N.B., Hannah, D.M., Pinay, G., McDonald, K., Martí, E., Argerich, A., Pfister, L., Klaus, J., Battin, T., Larned, S.T., Schelker, J., Fleckenstein, J.H., Schmidt, C., Rivett, M.O., Watts, G., Sabater, F., Sorolla, A., Turk, V. (2024):
Ecohydrological interfaces as hotspots of ecosystem processes
In: Krause, S., Hannah, D.M., Grimm, N.B. (eds.)
Ecohydrological interfaces
Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, p. 1 - 28 10.1002/9781119489702.ch1