Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-73089-5_25
Title (Primary) Urban greening as a response to societal challenges. Toward biophilic megacities (case studies of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Russia)
Title (Secondary) Making green cities: Concepts, challenges and practice
Author Dushkova, D. ORCID logo ; Ignatieva, M.; Melnichuk, I.
Publisher Breuste, J.; Artmann, M.; Ioja, C.; Qureshi, S.
Source Titel Cities and Nature
Year 2023
Department SUSOZ; NSF
Page From 401
Page To 422
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Urban green spaces; Greening strategies; Biophilic cities; Societal challenges; Saint Petersburg; Moscow
Abstract The population density in megacities is continuously increasing, resulting in a reduction of green spaces and a deterioration in the urban environment quality. Urban green is often being replaced by parking places, shopping centers, and service enterprises. This chapter examines the efforts of two megacities in Russia—Moscow and Saint Petersburg—to organize sustainable greening solutions for their residential areas using new achievements in landscape design theory and practice, such as the concept of the biophilic city. The chapter analyzes the history of greening strategies and discusses the concept of urban green infrastructure and its implementation in both Russian megacities. The chapter presents an assessment of the current state of urban green spaces and the most recent master plans and how these cities are facing and responding to modern societal challenges. The results of an analytical review of the most successful urban greening projects in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are presented as well. The economic and climatic features of the urban green areas and their architectural and planning features are considered, along with strategies for further development of the urban green spaces in both cities, aiming to address the new principles of biophilic cities.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Dushkova, D., Ignatieva, M., Melnichuk, I. (2023):
Urban greening as a response to societal challenges. Toward biophilic megacities (case studies of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Russia)
In: Breuste, J., Artmann, M., Ioja, C., Qureshi, S. (eds.)
Making green cities: Concepts, challenges and practice
Cities and Nature
Springer, Cham, p. 401 - 422 10.1007/978-3-030-73089-5_25