Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Mobile radio-frequency platform for a thermally enhanced soil vapour extraction
Title (Secondary) Proceedings World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, WCECS 2009, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 October, 2009
Author Holzer, F. ORCID logo ; Heimbold, T.; Lippik, D.; Roland, U.; Kopinke, F.-D.; Schenk, J.
Year 2009
Department TUCHEM
Volume Vol. 1
Page From 469
Page To 473
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Holzer, F., Heimbold, T., Lippik, D., Roland, U., Kopinke, F.-D., Schenk, J. (2009):
Mobile radio-frequency platform for a thermally enhanced soil vapour extraction
Proceedings World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, WCECS 2009, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 October, 2009
Vol. 1
International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, p. 469 - 473