Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/pan3.10516
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) An interdisciplinary framework for navigating social–climatic tipping points
Author Graham, S.; Wary, M.; Calcagni, F.; Cisneros, M.; de Luca, C.; Gorostiza, S.; Stedje Hanserud, O.; Kallis, G.; Kotsila, P.; Leipold, S.; Malumbres-Olarte, J.; Partridge, T.; Petit-Boix, A.; Schaffartzik, A.; Shokry, G.; Tirado-Herrero, S.; van den Bergh, J.; Ziveri, P.
Source Titel People and Nature
Year 2023
Department UPOL
Volume 5
Issue 5
Page From 1445
Page To 1456
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
  1. To effectively navigate out of the climate crisis, a new interdisciplinary approach is needed to guide and facilitate research that integrates diverse understandings of how transitions evolve in intertwined social–environmental systems.
  2. The concept of tipping points, frequently used in the natural sciences and increasingly in the social sciences, can help elucidate processes underlying major social–environmental transitions. We develop the notion of interlinked ‘social–climatic tipping points’ in which desirability and intentionality are key constitutive features alongside stable states, feedbacks, reversibility and abruptness.
  3. We demonstrate the new insights that our interdisciplinary framework can provide by analysing the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and associated flooding of the Ahr Valley in Germany as a social–climatic tipping point.
  4. This framework can enable more sustainable and equitable futures by prioritising social–climatic tipping points for interdisciplinary research, identifying opportunities for action, and evaluating the nuanced desirability and acceptability of proposed solutions.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Graham, S., Wary, M., Calcagni, F., Cisneros, M., de Luca, C., Gorostiza, S., Stedje Hanserud, O., Kallis, G., Kotsila, P., Leipold, S., Malumbres-Olarte, J., Partridge, T., Petit-Boix, A., Schaffartzik, A., Shokry, G., Tirado-Herrero, S., van den Bergh, J., Ziveri, P. (2023):
An interdisciplinary framework for navigating social–climatic tipping points
People Nat. 5 (5), 1445 - 1456 10.1002/pan3.10516