Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120347
Title (Primary) Large-stream nitrate retention patterns shift during droughts: seasonal to sub-daily insights from high-frequency data-model fusion
Author Yang, X.; Zhang, X.; Graeber, D.; Hensley, R.; Jarvie, H.; Lorke, A.; Borchardt, D.; Li, Q.; Rode, M.
Source Titel Water Research
Year 2023
Department ASAM
Volume 243
Page From art. 120347
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Abstract High-frequency nitrate-N (NO3–-N) data are increasingly available, while accurate assessments of in-stream NO3–-N retention in large streams and rivers require a better capture of complex river hydrodynamic conditions. This study demonstrates a fusion framework between high-frequency water quality data and hydrological transport models, that (1) captures river hydraulics and their impacts on solute signal propagation through river hydrodynamic modeling, and (2) infers in-stream retention as the differences between conservatively traced and reactively observed NO3–-N signals. Using this framework, continuous 15-min estimates of NO3–-N retention were derived in a 6th-order reach of the lower Bode River (27.4 km, central Germany), using long-term sensor monitoring data during a period of normal flow from 2015-2017 and a period of drought from 2018-2020. The unique NO3–-N retention estimates, together with metabolic characteristics, revealed insightful seasonal patterns (from high net autotrophic removal in late-spring to lower rates, to net heterotrophic release during autumn) and drought-induced variations of those patterns (reduced levels of net removal and autotrophic nitrate removal largely buffered by heterotrophic release processes, including organic matter mineralization). Four clusters of diel removal patterns were identified, potentially representing changes in dominant NO3–-N retention processes according to seasonal and hydrological conditions. For example, dominance of autotrophic NO3–-N retention extended more widely across seasons during the drought years. Such cross-scale patterns and changes under droughts are likely co-determined by catchment and river environments (e.g., river primary production, dissolved organic carbon availability and its quality), which resulted in more complex responses to the sequential droughts. Inferences derived from this novel data-model fusion provide new insights into NO3– dynamics and ecosystem function of large streams, as well as their responses to climate variability. Moreover, this framework can be flexibly transferred across sites and scales, thereby complementing high-frequency monitoring to identify in-stream retention processes and to inform river management.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Yang, X., Zhang, X., Graeber, D., Hensley, R., Jarvie, H., Lorke, A., Borchardt, D., Li, Q., Rode, M. (2023):
Large-stream nitrate retention patterns shift during droughts: seasonal to sub-daily insights from high-frequency data-model fusion
Water Res. 243 , art. 120347 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120347