Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159989
Document author version
Title (Primary) Threatened species could be more vulnerable to climate change in tropical countries
Author Chowdhury, S.
Source Titel Science of the Total Environment
Year 2023
Department iDiv; ESS
Volume 858, Part 2
Page From art. 159989
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Bangladesh; Butterfly; Climate change; Insect; Lepidoptera; Pollinator
Abstract Climate change is a major threat impacting insects globally, yet the impact on tropical insects is largely unknown. Here, I assessed the climatic vulnerability of Bangladeshi butterflies (242 species). About 42 % of species could experience range contraction, and the impact could be significantly more severe among threatened species. Depending on Socio-Economic Pathways (ssps), the future climatic condition could be unsuitable for 2 (ssp126) – 34 % (ssp585) species. The mean elevation of the suitable habitat could increase by 238 %, and the situation could be more severe for the threatened butterflies. Further, 54 % of the realised niche of butterflies could be altered. Although there might be no significant association between the shift in habitat suitability along the elevational gradient, migratory species could experience a more significant shift than non-migrants. Overall, climate change could have a severe impact on Bangladeshi butterflies. To mitigate insect decline globally and meet the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework targets, immediate detection of climate change impact on tropical insects and developing effective conservation strategies is essential.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Chowdhury, S. (2023):
Threatened species could be more vulnerable to climate change in tropical countries
Sci. Total Environ. 858, Part 2 , art. 159989 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159989