Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.3389/fcell.2022.1039206
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) An old friend with a new face: YB-1 and its role in healthy pregnancy and pregnancy-associated complications
Author Fischer, F.; Schumacher, A.; Meyer, N.; Fink, B.; Bauer, M.; Stojanovska, V.; Zenclussen, A.C.
Source Titel Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Year 2022
Department IMMU
Volume 10
Page From art. 1039206
Language englisch
Topic T9 Healthy Planet
Keywords YB-1 protein; cold shock protein; pregnancy; implantation; trophoblast
Abstract By promoting tissue invasion, cell growth and angiogenesis, the Y-box binding protein (YB-1) became famous as multifunctional oncoprotein. However, this designation is telling only part of the story. There is one particular time in life when actual tumorigenic-like processes become undoubtedly welcome, namely pregnancy. It seems therefore reasonable that YB-1 plays also a crucial role in reproduction, and yet this biological aspect of the cold-shock protein has been overlooked for many years. To overcome this limitation, we would like to propose a new perspective on YB-1 and emphasize its pivotal functions in healthy pregnancy and pregnancy-related complications. Moreover, we will discuss findings obtained from cancer research in the light of reproductive events to elucidate the importance of YB-1 at the feto-maternal interface.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Fischer, F., Schumacher, A., Meyer, N., Fink, B., Bauer, M., Stojanovska, V., Zenclussen, A.C. (2022):
An old friend with a new face: YB-1 and its role in healthy pregnancy and pregnancy-associated complications
Front. Cell. Dev. Biol. 10 , art. 1039206 10.3389/fcell.2022.1039206