Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Überleben in fragmentierten Lebensräumen: Stochastische Modelle zu Metapopulationen
Author Frank, K. ORCID logo ; Drechsler, M.; Wissel, C.
Source Titel Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz
Year 1994
Department OESA
Volume 3
Issue 3
Page From 167
Page To 178
Language deutsch
Keywords metapopulations; risk-analysis; correlated environments; dispersal pattern; nature conservation; reserve design
Abstract We give a system of stochastic models concerning finite metapopulations and deduce a detailed risk analysis. The very principle problem of the interactions between local subpopulations and regional turnover is discussed. Of special interest is the role of synchronized extinctions induced by a correlated environment. The explicit spatial patch arrangement is taken into account and interplays between environmental and dispersal pattern can be discussed. Finally, a common management profile for species with a common ecological profile
is deduced.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Frank, K., Drechsler, M., Wissel, C. (1994):
Überleben in fragmentierten Lebensräumen: Stochastische Modelle zu Metapopulationen
Z. Ökologie u. Naturschutz 3 (3), 167 - 178