Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Edited reports
Title (Primary) Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Europe. A Report of the BIOFORUM project, August 2003
Publisher Young, J.; Nowicki, P.; Alard, D.; Henle, K.; Johnson, R.; Matouch, S.; Niemelä, J.; Watt, A.
Year 2003
Department NSF
Page To 170
Language englisch
UFZ inventory Leipzig, Bibliothek, Magazin, 03-1604
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Young, J., Nowicki, P., Alard, D., Henle, K., Johnson, R., Matouch, S., Niemelä, J., Watt, A. (eds., 2003):
Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Europe. A Report of the BIOFORUM project, August 2003
European Biodiversity Forum, Brüssel, 170 pp.