Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1680/jenge.18.00036
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) Coupled CO2 sequestration simulation using Abaqus and Eclipse
Author Li, Q.; Fei, W.; Ma, J.; Jing, M.; Wei, X.
Source Titel Environmental Geotechnics
Year 2022
Department ENVINF
Volume 9
Issue 3
Page From 149
Page To 158
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords energy; environmental engineering; numerical methods
Abstract Thermo-hydro-geomechanical (THM)-coupled physical problems widely occur in geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration (GCS), which has gained increasing attention in recent years. There are many in-house and commercial software programs developed for THM-coupled numerical simulation. However, only a few programs permit large-scale, complex analysis and prediction of GCS problems. Therefore, the authors developed an in-house code named AEEA Coupler to link two industrial standard simulation software programs, Abaqus (mechanical engineering) and Eclipse (petroleum engineering), which enable THM simulation of large-scale complex geological models (including multiple fractures and faults) possible. In this paper, the authors introduce interpolation and adaptive search algorithms and data exchange techniques between different grids using reservoir analysis and finite-element mesh methods in the mechanical analysis of a reservoir. After that, the applicability and accuracy of the AEEA Coupler are tested by comparing the results with certain benchmarks. Finally, a complicated problem is identified to demonstrate the power of the AEEA Coupler in solving coupled processes in geoscience projects.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Li, Q., Fei, W., Ma, J., Jing, M., Wei, X. (2022):
Coupled CO2 sequestration simulation using Abaqus and Eclipse
Environ. Geotech. 9 (3), 149 - 158 10.1680/jenge.18.00036