Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/etc.5544
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Effect-based trigger values are essential for the uptake of effect-based methods in water safety planning
Author Neale, P.A.; Escher, B.I.; de Baat, M.L.; Enault, J.; Leusch, F.D.L.
Source Titel Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Year 2023
Department ZELLTOX
Volume 42
Issue 3
Page From 714
Page To 726
Language englisch
Topic T9 Healthy Planet
Keywords Chemical water quality; Drinking water; In vitro bioassays; Source water; Well plate-based in vivo assays
Abstract Effect-based methods (EBM) using in vitro bioassays and well plate-based in vivo assays are recommended for water quality monitoring as they can capture the mixture effects of the many chemicals present in water. Many in vitro bioassays are highly sensitive, so an effect in a bioassay does not necessarily indicate poor chemical water quality. Consequently, effect-based trigger values (EBTs) have been introduced to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable chemical water quality and are required for the wider acceptance of EBM by the water sector and regulatory bodies. EBTs have been derived for both drinking water and surface water to protect human- and ecological health, respectively, and are available for assays indicative of specific receptor-mediated effects, as well as assays indicative of adaptive stress responses, apical effects and receptor-mediated effects triggered by many chemicals. An overview of currently available EBTs is provided, and a simple approach is proposed to predict interim EBTs for assays currently without an EBT based on the effect concentration of the assay reference compound. There was good agreement between EBTs predicted using this simplistic approach and EBTs from the literature derived using more robust methods. Finally, an interpretation framework that outlines the steps to take if the effect of a sample exceeds the EBT was developed to help facilitate the uptake of EBM in routine water quality monitoring and water safety planning for drinking water production.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I., de Baat, M.L., Enault, J., Leusch, F.D.L. (2023):
Effect-based trigger values are essential for the uptake of effect-based methods in water safety planning
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 42 (3), 714 - 726 10.1002/etc.5544