Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/nme.7060
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) The extended peridynamic model for elasto-plastic and/or fracture problems
Author Li, W.-J.; You, T. ORCID logo ; Ni, T.; Zhu, Q.-Z.; Poh, L.-H.
Source Titel International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Year 2022
Department ENVINF
Volume 123
Issue 21
Page From 5201
Page To 5229
Language englisch
Topic T8 Georesources
Keywords Extended peridynamic model (XPDM); crack propagation; failure criteria; elasto-plastic fracture
Abstract The strain-based implementation method for the extended peridynamic model (XPDM) resolves the limitation of standard models where only a fixed Poisson's ratio can be achieved. In this contribution, the XPDM formulation is extended to include bond breakage and/or plasticity mechanisms. The elasto-plastic and bond breakage algorithms are elaborated. To capture the fracture process, a shear mechanism is now incorporated to the bond breakage response, in addition to the standard stretching failure mode. It is shown that the shear mechanism is required to accurately reproduce mixed mode fracture behavior observed experimentally. To demonstrate the predictive behavior of the strain-based XPDM, a wide range of quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions, for both brittle and elasto-plastic materials, is considered against experimental results or practical engineering scenarios.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Li, W.-J., You, T., Ni, T., Zhu, Q.-Z., Poh, L.-H. (2022):
The extended peridynamic model for elasto-plastic and/or fracture problems
Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 123 (21), 5201 - 5229 10.1002/nme.7060