Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1029/2005WR004451
Title (Primary) Direct gas injection into saturated glass beads: transition from incoherent to coherent gas flow pattern
Author Geistlinger, H.; Krauss, G.; Lazik, D.; Luckner, L.
Source Titel Water Resources Research
Year 2006
Department HDG; BOPHY
Volume 42
Issue 7
Page From W07403
Language englisch
Keywords direct gas injection; two-dimensional visualization experiments; gas injection; incoherent gas flow; coherent gas flow; stability criterion
Abstract The transition from incoherent to coherent buoyancy-driven gas flow is investigated in two-dimensional tanks filled with glass beads using a high-resolution optical-gravimetrical setup. Both a grain-size (d(k))- and flow rate ( Q)- dependent transition are observed in the gas flow pattern. Standard quasistatic criteria do not explain the experimental results, since they do not take into account the competition between stabilizing friction forces and destabilizing capillary and gravitational forces. Conceptualizing the steady state tortuous gas flow as core-annulus flow and applying Hagen-Poiseuille flow for a straight capillary, we propose a flow rate and grain-size-dependent stability criterion that accounts for the experimental results and is used to classify the experiments in a d(k)-Q diagram
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Geistlinger, H., Krauss, G., Lazik, D., Luckner, L. (2006):
Direct gas injection into saturated glass beads: transition from incoherent to coherent gas flow pattern
Water Resour. Res. 42 (7), W07403 10.1029/2005WR004451