Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s00468-021-02182-z
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Plant–soil feedbacks in mangrove ecosystems: establishing links between empirical and modelling studies
Author Wimmler, M.-C.; Bathmann, J.; Peters, R.; Jiang, J.; Walther, M.; Lovelock, C.E.; Berger, U.
Source Titel Trees-Structure and Function
Year 2021
Department ENVINF
Volume 35
Issue 5
Page From 1423
Page To 1438
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Ecosystem stability; Ecosystem resilience; Ecosystem response; Climate change; Coastal forests; Wetland dynamics
Abstract Plant–soil feedbacks are important as they provide valuable insights into ecosystem dynamics and ecosystems stability and resilience against multiple stressors and disturbances, including global climate change. In mangroves, plant–soil feedbacks are important for ecosystem resilience in the face of sea level rise, carbon sequestration, and to support successful ecosystem restoration. Despite the recognition of the importance of plant–soil feedbacks in mangroves, there is limited empirical data available. We reviewed empirical studies from mangrove ecosystems and evaluate numerical models addressing plant–soil feedbacks. The empirical evidence suggests that plant–soil feedbacks strongly influence ecological processes (e.g. seedling recruitment and soil elevation change) and forest structure in mangrove ecosystems. Numerical models, which successfully describe plant–soil feedbacks in mangrove and other ecosystems, can be used in future empirical studies to test mechanistic understanding and project outcomes of environmental change. Moreover, the combination of both, modelling and empirical approaches, can improve mechanistic understanding of plant–soil feedbacks and thereby ecosystem dynamics in mangrove ecosystems. This combination will help to support sustainable coastal management and conservation.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Wimmler, M.-C., Bathmann, J., Peters, R., Jiang, J., Walther, M., Lovelock, C.E., Berger, U. (2021):
Plant–soil feedbacks in mangrove ecosystems: establishing links between empirical and modelling studies
Trees-Struct. Funct. 35 (5), 1423 - 1438 10.1007/s00468-021-02182-z