Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0510-0
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Title (Primary) New species, reports, observations and taxonomical changes of southern African rust fungi (Uredinales)
Author Berndt, R.; Uhlmann, E.
Source Titel Mycological Progress
Year 2006
Department BOOEK
Volume 5
Issue 3
Page From 154
Page To 177
Language englisch
Abstract This work presents research on the diversity of the southern African rust mycobiota (Uredinales). It describes new species, lists new reports and adds new information on several rust fungi. Puccinia cornurediata, Puccinia dioscoreae-mundtii, Puccinia horti-kirstenboschi, Puccinia othonnoides, Puccinia rapipes, Puccinia subindumentana, Uredo otholobii and Uromyces lotononidicola are described as new; Puccinia verwoerdiana is assigned to Puccinia lycii as a synonym, and Uredo lotononi to U. lotononidicola. Comprehensive accounts and keys are presented for Puccinia species on Lycium (Solanaceae), Helichrysum and Othonna (Asteraceae). Puccinia butleri and Uromyces bidenticola are new reports for South Africa, and Puccinia spinulosa is new for Namibia. So far, the latter species has only been known from Madagascar, and P. butleri from the Indian subcontinent. Taxonomical novelties are P. cornurediata R. Berndt; P. dioscoreae-mundtii R. Berndt, A.R. Wood & E. Uhlmann; P. horti-kirstenboschi R. Berndt & E. Uhlmann; P. othonnoides R. Berndt, A.R. Wood & E. Uhlmann; P. rapipes R. Berndt & E. Uhlmann; P. subindumentana R. Berndt; U. otholobii R. Berndt, A.R. Wood & E. Uhlmann and U. lotononidicola R. Berndt
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Berndt, R., Uhlmann, E. (2006):
New species, reports, observations and taxonomical changes of southern African rust fungi (Uredinales)
Mycol. Prog. 5 (3), 154 - 177 10.1007/s11557-006-0510-0