Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/bit.28349
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) N2-fixation can sustain wastewater treatment performance of photogranules under nitrogen limiting conditions
Author Trebuch, L.M.; Schoofs, K.; Vaessen, S.M.F.; Neu, T.R.; Janssen, M.; Wijffels, R.H.; Vet, L.E.M.; Fernandes, T.V.
Source Titel Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Year 2023
Department FLOEK
Volume 120
Issue 5
Page From 1303
Page To 1315
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords confocal laser scanning microscopy; FAPROTAX; functional annotation; Microalgal-bacterial granules; nitrogen fixation; nitrogen limitation
Abstract Wastewater characteristics can vary significantly, and in some municipal wastewaters the N:P ratio is as low as 5 resulting in nitrogen limiting conditions. In this study, the microbial community, function, and morphology of photogranules under nitrogen replete (N+) and limiting (N-) conditions was assessed in sequencing batch reactors. Photogranules under N- condition were nitrogen deprived 2/3 of a batch cycle duration. Surprisingly, this nitrogen limitation had no adverse effect on biomass productivity. Moreover, phosphorus and COD removal were similar to their removal under N+ conditions. Although performance was similar, the difference in granule morphology was obvious. While N+ photogranules were dense and structurally confined, N- photogranules showed loose structures with occasional voids. Microbial community analysis revealed high abundance of cyanobacteria capable of N2-fixation. These were higher at N- (38%) than N+ (29%) treatments, showing that photogranules could adjust and maintain treatment performance and high biomass productivity by means of N2-fixation.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Trebuch, L.M., Schoofs, K., Vaessen, S.M.F., Neu, T.R., Janssen, M., Wijffels, R.H., Vet, L.E.M., Fernandes, T.V. (2023):
N2-fixation can sustain wastewater treatment performance of photogranules under nitrogen limiting conditions
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 120 (5), 1303 - 1315 10.1002/bit.28349