Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-60147-8_12
Title (Primary) Water resources management: Integrated and adaptive decision making
Title (Secondary) Handbook of water resources management: Discourses, concepts and examples
Author Karthe, D.; Bogardi, J.J.; Borchardt, D.
Publisher Bogardi, J.J.; Gupta, J.; Wasantha Nandalal, K.D.; Salamé, L.; van Nooijen, R.R.P.; Kumar, N.; Tingsanchali, T.; Bhaduri, A.; Kolechkina, A.G.
Year 2021
Department ASAM
Page From 365
Page To 381
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords IWRM; Adaptive management; Sustainable development; Global change
UFZ inventory Magdeburg, Bibliothek, 00543774, 22-0238

Over the past three decades, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has evolved into one of the leading water management paradigms. Revisiting the starting points and the development of the IWRM concept, this chapter critically analyzes the rationales and the major elements to be considered in the framework of IWRM. IWRM is then related to other recently emerging concepts such as adaptive water management and the Resource Nexus. Even though IWRM has been formally adopted almost worldwide for almost two decades, its implementation remains a challenge for many countries. IWRM also became a major research topic in water sciences and beyond, calling for a reflection of its role and impact. Based on theoretical and empirical analyses of contemporary IWRM research, this chapter provides best practice examples of science based implementation and synthesizes the lessons learnt.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Karthe, D., Bogardi, J.J., Borchardt, D. (2021):
Water resources management: Integrated and adaptive decision making
In: Bogardi, J.J., Gupta, J., Wasantha Nandalal, K.D., Salamé, L., van Nooijen, R.R.P., Kumar, N., Tingsanchali, T., Bhaduri, A., Kolechkina, A.G. (eds.)
Handbook of water resources management: Discourses, concepts and examples
Springer Nature, Cham, p. 365 - 381 10.1007/978-3-030-60147-8_12