Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Edited books
DOI 10.57699/hd4s-e705
Licence creative commons licence
Document publication document
Title (Primary) Integrating biodiversity in urban planning and design processes. Book of abstracts of the 7th International Conference of the network URBIO – Urban Biodiversity & Design. 28-30 November 2022, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Publisher Ignatieva, M.; Dushkova, D. ORCID logo ; Nilon, C.; Haase, D.; Knapp, S.; Bittorf, N.
Year 2023
Department CLE; BZF; SUSOZ
Page To 120
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords biodiversity; urban planning and design; urban blue-green infrastructure; sustainability; resilience; nature-based solutions; co-creation

This book of abstracts comprises 62 abstracts of oral presentations and 8 posters from the 7th Conference of the International Network Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO) with the theme ”Integrating Biodiversity in Urban Planning and Design Processes.” The conference was held at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig, Germany from 28 to 30 November 2022. The conference was organised by UFZ, Humboldt University, University of Missouri and the University of Western Australia and sponsored by KOMIPO (South Korea). One hundred twenty-two (122) individuals from 24 countries participated in the event. The abstracts came through the editing process organised by the editors: Prof. Dr Maria Ignatieva, Prof. Dr. Charles Nilon, Dr. Diana Dushkova, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Haase, Dr. Sonja Knapp with the help of Prof. Dr. Norbert Müller, the founder of URBIO and the honorary URBIO member. The book is concluded by the Leipzig URBIO 2022 Declaration.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Ignatieva, M., Dushkova, D., Nilon, C., Haase, D., Knapp, S., Bittorf, N. (eds., 2023):
Integrating biodiversity in urban planning and design processes. Book of abstracts of the 7th International Conference of the network URBIO – Urban Biodiversity & Design. 28-30 November 2022, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, 120 pp. 10.57699/hd4s-e705