Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105375
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) A large-scale epidemiological model of BoHV-1 spread in the Irish cattle population to support decision-making in conformity with the European Animal Health Law
Author Brock, J.; Lange, M.; Tratalos, J.A.; More, S.J.; Guelbenzu-Gonzalo, M.; Graham, D.A.; Thulke, H.-H. ORCID logo
Source Titel Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Year 2021
Department OESA
Volume 192
Page From art. 105375
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords highlight; Regional; Cattle; Disease; Model; BoHV-1; IBR; Ireland; Eradication program
Abstract We present a new modelling framework to address the evaluation of national control/surveillance programs planned in line with the European Animal Health Law (AHL) for livestock diseases. Our modelling framework is applied to the cattle sector in Ireland where there is need for policy support to design an optimal programme to achieve bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) free status under the AHL. In this contribution, we show how our framework establishes a regional model that is able to mechanistically reproduce the demography, management practices and transport patterns of an entire cattle population without being dependent on continuous livestock registry data. An innovative feature of our model is the inclusion of herd typing, thereby extending these beyond the categories of dairy, beef and mixed herds that are frequently considered in other regional modelling studies. This detailed representation of herd type-specific management facilitates comparative assessment of BoHV-1 eradication strategies targeting different production types with individual strategy protocols. Finally, we apply our model to support current discussions regarding the structure and implementation of a potential national BoHV-1 eradication programme in Ireland.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Brock, J., Lange, M., Tratalos, J.A., More, S.J., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo, M., Graham, D.A., Thulke, H.-H. (2021):
A large-scale epidemiological model of BoHV-1 spread in the Irish cattle population to support decision-making in conformity with the European Animal Health Law
Prev. Vet. Med. 192 , art. 105375 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105375