Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1074/jbc.m611547200
Title (Primary) A novel form of 6-phosphofructokinase. Identification and functional relevance of a third type of subunit in Pichia pastoris
Author Tanneberger, K.; Kirchberger, J.; Bär, J.; Schellenberger, W.; Rothemund, S.; Kamprad, M.; Otto, H.; Schöneberg, T.; Edelmann, A.
Source Titel Journal of Biological Chemistry
Year 2007
Department ZELLTOX
Volume 282
Issue 32
Page From 23687
Page To 23697
Language englisch
Abstract Classically, 6-phosphofructokinases are homo- and hetero-oligomeric enzymes consisting of subunits and / subunits, respectively. Herein, we describe a new form of 6-phosphofructokinase (Pfk) present in several Pichia species, which is composed of three different types of subunit, , , and . The sequence of the subunit shows no similarity to classic Pfk subunits or to other known protein sequences. In-depth structural and functional studies revealed that the subunit is a constitutive component of Pfk from Pichia pastoris (PpPfk). Analyses of the purified PpPfk suggest a heterododecameric assembly from the three different subunits. Accordingly, it is the largest and most complex Pfk identified yet. Although, the subunit is not required for enzymatic activity, the subunit-deficient mutant displays a decreased growth on nutrient limitation and reduced cell flocculation when compared with the P. pastoris wild-type strain. Subsequent characterization of purified Pfks from wild-type and subunit-deficient strains revealed that the allosteric regulation of the PpPfk by ATP, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and AMP is fine-tuned by the subunit. Therefore, we suggest that the subunit contributes to adaptation of P. pastoris to energy resources.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Tanneberger, K., Kirchberger, J., Bär, J., Schellenberger, W., Rothemund, S., Kamprad, M., Otto, H., Schöneberg, T., Edelmann, A. (2007):
A novel form of 6-phosphofructokinase. Identification and functional relevance of a third type of subunit in Pichia pastoris
J. Biol. Chem. 282 (32), 23687 - 23697 10.1074/jbc.m611547200