Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/celc.202000731
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Availability of hydrogen shapes the microbial abundance in biofilm anodes based on Geobacter enrichment
Author Korth, B. ORCID logo ; Kuchenbuch, A.; Harnisch, F. ORCID logo
Source Titel ChemElectroChem
Year 2020
Department UMB
Volume 7
Issue 18
Page From 3720
Page To 3724
Language englisch
Keywords Bioelectrochemical system; electroactive microorganisms; extracellular electron transfer; Geobacter enrichment biofilm; microbial electrolysis cell
Abstract Biofilm anodes based on Geobacter enrichment in one‐chamber and two‐chamber reactors are qualitatively and quantitatively investigated. The methanogenic community of biofilms in both types of reactors consists exclusively of hydrogenotrophs, mainly the genus Methanobacterium . As qPCR demonstrates in one‐chamber reactors, the abundance of Geobacter and methanogens increases due to the presence of cathodically produced hydrogen. In two‐chamber reactors, the abundance of methanogens is decreased by 98% compared to one‐chamber reactors. Adding hydrogen gas to the anodic compartment of two‐chamber reactors recovers the abundance of methanogens and Geobacter . Ratios of methanogens/bacteria are confirmed using cofactor F 420 autofluorescence of methanogens. The impact of the reactor setup for developing primary microbial electrochemical technologies is discussed reasoning that two‐chamber reactors have to be generally favored. Yet, their use inheres a trade‐off when cultivating biofilm anodes, as the indicated syntrophic interactions between methanogens and Geobacter are reduced but pH decrease might influence microbial processes.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Korth, B., Kuchenbuch, A., Harnisch, F. (2020):
Availability of hydrogen shapes the microbial abundance in biofilm anodes based on Geobacter enrichment
ChemElectroChem 7 (18), 3720 - 3724 10.1002/celc.202000731