Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/ele.13500
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Diversity and coexistence are influenced by time-dependent species interactions in a predator-prey system
Author Karakoç, C.; Clark, A.T.; Chatzinotas, A.
Source Titel Ecology Letters
Year 2020
Department UMB; iDiv; PHYDIV
Volume 23
Issue 6
Page From 983
Page To 993
Language englisch
Data and Software links
Keywords Causality; diversity; EDMhelper; empirical dynamic modelling; predator–prey interactions; stability
Abstract Although numerous studies show that communities are jointly influenced by predation and competitive interactions, few have resolved how temporal variability in these interactions influences community assembly and stability. Here, we addressed this challenge in experimental microbial microcosms by employing empirical dynamic modelling tools to: (1) detect causal interactions between prey species in the absence and presence of a predator; (2) quantify the time‐varying strength of these interactions and (3) explore stability in the resulting communities. Our findings show that predators boost the number of causal interactions among community members, and lead to reduced dynamic stability, but higher coexistence among prey species. These results correspond to time‐varying changes in species interactions, including emergence of morphological characteristics that appeared to reduce predation, and indirectly facilitate growth of predator‐susceptible species. Jointly, our findings suggest that careful consideration of both context and time may be necessary to predict and explain outcomes in multi‐trophic systems.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Karakoç, C., Clark, A.T., Chatzinotas, A. (2020):
Diversity and coexistence are influenced by time-dependent species interactions in a predator-prey system
Ecol. Lett. 23 (6), 983 - 993 10.1111/ele.13500