Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people
Title (Secondary) The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the Pacific
Author Wu, N.; Wang, C.; Ausseil, A.G.; Alhafedh, Y.; Broadhurst, L.; Lin, H.J.; Axmacher, J.; Okubo, S.; Turney, C.; Onuma, A.; Chaturvedi, R.K.; Kohli, P.; Kumarapuram Apadodharan, S.; Abhilash, P.C.; Settele, J.; Claudet, J.; Yumoto, T.; Zhang, Y.
Publisher Karki, M.; Senaratna Sellamuttu, S.; Okayasu, S.; Suzuki, W.
Year 2018
Department BZF
Page From 265
Page To 370
Language englisch
Abstract Both direct and indirect drivers are causing the decline of biodiversity and nature’s contribution to people in the Asia-Pacific region with the complex interaction among drivers synergistically undermining sustainable development and impacting on indigenous and local communities (well established). Biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in the Asia-Pacific region are impacted by a wide variety of strongly interwoven direct and indirect drivers (well established). Economic and demographic factors are key indirect drivers affecting the sustainability of nature’s contributions to people through their interactions with socio-cultural and technological factors; this in turn influences direct drivers (land-use and land cover changes, overexploitation of nature’s resources, climate change, invasions by alien species and pollution) (well established). Environmental governance and targeted policies are a powerful tool to alter these interlinked drivers and have significant effects on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people across the Asia-Pacific region (well
established). More importantly, the interaction among drivers and the institutional change is causing both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to people pointing toward the need to improve the knowledge and capacity of policymakers to better understand and assess drivers impacting on biodiversity and ecosystems at the national, subregional and regional level {4.3; 4.6}.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Wu, N., Wang, C., Ausseil, A.G., Alhafedh, Y., Broadhurst, L., Lin, H.J., Axmacher, J., Okubo, S., Turney, C., Onuma, A., Chaturvedi, R.K., Kohli, P., Kumarapuram Apadodharan, S., Abhilash, P.C., Settele, J., Claudet, J., Yumoto, T., Zhang, Y. (2018):
Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people
In: Karki, M., Senaratna Sellamuttu, S., Okayasu, S., Suzuki, W. (eds.)
The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the Pacific
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, p. 265 - 370