Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.micres.2019.03.004
Title (Primary) Glucose dehydrogenase gene containing phosphobacteria for biofortification of Phosphorus with growth promotion of rice
Author Rasul, M.; Yasmin, S.; Suleman, M.; Zaheer, A.; Reitz, T. ORCID logo ; Tarkka, M.T.; Islam, E.; Mirza, M.S.
Source Titel Microbiological Research
Year 2019
Department BOOEK; iDiv
Volume 223–225
Page From 1
Page To 12
Language englisch
Keywords Super Basmati; Gluconic acid; pqq operon; gcd; Acinetobacter; Pseudomonas
Abstract Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient, but often limited in soils for plant uptake. A major economic constraint in the rice production is excessive use of chemical fertilizers to meet the P requirement. Bioaugmentation of phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria (PSB) can be used as promising alternative. In the present study 11 mineral PSB were isolated from Basmati rice growing areas of Pakistan. In broth medium, PSB solubilized tricalcium phosphate (27–354 μg mL−1) with concomitant decrease in pH up to 3.6 due to the production of different organic acids, predominantly gluconic acid. Of these, 4 strains also have ability to mineralize phytate (245–412 μg mL−1). Principle component analysis showed that the gluconic acid producing PSB strains (Acinetobacter sp. MR5 and Pseudomonas sp. MR7) have pronounced effect on grain yield (up to 55%), plant P (up to 67%) and soil available P (up to 67%), with 20% reduced fertilization. For simultaneous validation of gluconic acid production by MR5 and MR7 through PCR, new specific primers were designed to amplify gcd, pqqE, pqqC genes responsible for glucose dehydrogenase (gcd) mediated phosphate solubilization. These findings for the first time demonstrated Acinetobacter soli as potent P solubilizer for rice and expands our knowledge about genus specific pqq and gcd primers. These two gcd containing PSB Acinetobacter sp. MR5 (DSM 106631) and Pseudomonas sp. MR7 (DSM 106634) submitted to German culture collection (DSMZ), serve as global valuable pool to significantly increase the P uptake, growth and yield of Basmati rice with decreased dependence on chemical fertilizer in P deficit agricultural soils.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Rasul, M., Yasmin, S., Suleman, M., Zaheer, A., Reitz, T., Tarkka, M.T., Islam, E., Mirza, M.S. (2019):
Glucose dehydrogenase gene containing phosphobacteria for biofortification of Phosphorus with growth promotion of rice
Microbiol. Res. 223–225 , 1 - 12 10.1016/j.micres.2019.03.004