Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.5771/9783845296432
Title (Primary) CRISPR/Cas, precaution and democracy: the challenging governance of a rapidly changing technology
Title (Secondary) Genome editing in agriculture. Between precaution and responsibility
Author Bartkowski, B.
Publisher Dürnberger, C.; Pfeilmeier, S.; Schleissing, S.
Source Titel TTN Studien - Schriften aus dem Institut Technik-Theologie-Naturwissenschaften
Year 2019
Department OEKON
Volume 7
Page From 181
Page To 196
Language englisch

Humans took more than a hundred thousand Earth years to progress from the Hunter-Gatherer Age to the Agricultural Age. To get from the Agricultural Age to the Industrial Age took a few thousand Earth years. But to go from the Industrial Age to the Atomic Age took only two hundred Earth years. Thereafter, in only a few Earth decades, they entered the Information Age. This civilization possesses the terrifying ability to accelerate their progress.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Bartkowski, B. (2019):
CRISPR/Cas, precaution and democracy: the challenging governance of a rapidly changing technology
In: Dürnberger, C., Pfeilmeier, S., Schleissing, S. (eds.)
Genome editing in agriculture. Between precaution and responsibility
TTN Studien 7
Nomos, Baden-Baden, p. 181 - 196 10.5771/9783845296432