Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2006.11.008
Title (Primary) Sensitivity of the solution of the Elder problem to density, velocity and numerical perturbations
Author Park, C.-H.; Aral, M.M.
Source Titel Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Year 2007
Department ENVINF
Volume 92
Issue 1-2
Page From 33
Page To 49
Language englisch
Keywords density-driven flow; Elder problem; variable-density flow; finite element method
Abstract In this paper the Elder problem is studied with the purpose of evaluating the inherent instabilities associated with the numerical solution of this problem. Our focus is first on the question of the existence of a unique numerical solution for this problem, and second on the grid density and fluid density requirements necessary for a unique numerical solution. In particular we have investigated the instability issues associated with the numerical solution of the Elder problem from the following perspectives: (i) physical instability issues associated with density differences; (ii) sensitivity of the numerical solution to idealization irregularities; and, (iii) the importance of a precise velocity field calculation and the association of this process with the grid density levels that is necessary to solve the Elder problem accurately. In the study discussed here we have used a finite element Galerkin model we have developed for solving density-dependent flow and transport problems, which will be identified as TechFIow. In our study, the numerical results of Frolkovic and de Schepper [Frolkovic, P. and H. de Schepper, 2001. Numerical modeling of convection dominated transport coupled with density-driven flow in porous media, Adv. Water Resour., 24, 63-72.] were replicated using the grid density employed in their work. We were also successful in duplicating the same result with a less dense grid but with more computational effort based on a global velocity estimation process we have adopted. Our results indicate that the global velocity estimation approach recommended by Yeh [Yeh, G.-T., 1981. On the computation of Darcian velocity and mass balance in finite element modelling of groundwater flow, Water Resour. Res., 17(5), 1529-1534.] allows the use of less dense grids while obtaining the same accuracy that can be achieved with denser grids. We have also observed that the regularity of the elements in the discretization of the solution domain does make a difference in obtaining a unique stationary solution for this problem. The results of our study also indicate that the density differences are critical in the solution of the Elder problem and that high density differences lead to the physical instability that is inherent with this problem. Other than the physical instability associated with the level of density differences used in the Elder problem, the following two points should be considered in solving the Elder problem in a consistent manner: (i) strict attention should be paid to the vertical grid Peclet number in developing the criteria for convergent grid selection; and, (ii) with a globally continuous velocity calculation stable solutions can be obtained at lower grid densities. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Park, C.-H., Aral, M.M. (2007):
Sensitivity of the solution of the Elder problem to density, velocity and numerical perturbations
J. Contam. Hydrol. 92 (1-2), 33 - 49 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2006.11.008