Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1097/01.ede.0000391703.88306.4e
Title (Primary) Associations of cardiovascular and respiratory mortality with air temperature in the urban area of Beijing, China
Author Liu, L.; Breitner, S.; Pan, X.; Franck, U.; Leitte, A.; von Klot, S.; Wichmann, F.; Peters, A.; Schneider, A.
Source Titel Epidemiology
Year 2011
Department STUDIEN
Volume 22
Issue 1
Page From S15
Page To S16
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Liu, L., Breitner, S., Pan, X., Franck, U., Leitte, A., von Klot, S., Wichmann, F., Peters, A., Schneider, A. (2011):
Associations of cardiovascular and respiratory mortality with air temperature in the urban area of Beijing, China
Epidemiology 22 (1 ), S15 - S16 10.1097/01.ede.0000391703.88306.4e