Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Appendix I: Methodology
Title (Secondary) Coping with uncertainty: Youth in the Middle East and North Africa
Author Spengler, T.; Dietrich, H.; Kreuer, D. ORCID logo ; Gertel, J.
Publisher Gertel, J.; Hexel, R.
Year 2018
Department OESA
Page From 321
Page To 330
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Spengler, T., Dietrich, H., Kreuer, D., Gertel, J. (2018):
Appendix I: Methodology
In: Gertel, J., Hexel, R. (eds.)
Coping with uncertainty: Youth in the Middle East and North Africa
Saqi Books, London, p. 321 - 330