Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.07.011
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) From pork to fork: The social experience of bundles of interacting ecosystem services through gastronomy
Author Vaz, A.S.; Crouzat, E.; Santarém, F.; Grescho, V.; Carvalho-Santos, C.
Source Titel Ecosystem Services
Year 2018
Department iDiv; ESS
Volume 32
Page From 170
Page To 172
Language englisch
Keywords Cuisine; cultural benefit; drinks; food; recreation; social value.
Abstract There is an increasing recognition that ecosystem services are inclusive and form bundles of services that deliver multiple contributions to people. Traditionally, the notion of bundles of services is grounded on biophysical assessments and less attention has been paid to the perspective of human experience and valuation of these bundles. Information about the benefits and values of bundles of services is relevant as it provides a common language to decision-makers and general society. In this perspective, we describe gastronomy as bundles of provisioning (e.g. food, energy, water) and cultural (e.g. recreation, aesthetics, inspiration, spiritual fulfilment) services. We discuss how gastronomy, as the co-production of bundles of services, can be enclosed by both the ecosystem and the human system. Examples are provided to illustrate the place-based values and particularities of the individual, communal and society values of gastronomy. We briefly present how gastronomy constitutes an opportunity for an integrated valuation of bundles of services, based on the plurality of gastronomic preferences and attitudes at the individual, social group and society levels. Finally, we highlight that deliberative processes may enable the social learning of shared values, which are useful for the valuation of ecosystem services and for making decisions on natural capital.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Vaz, A.S., Crouzat, E., Santarém, F., Grescho, V., Carvalho-Santos, C. (2018):
From pork to fork: The social experience of bundles of interacting ecosystem services through gastronomy
Ecosyst. Serv. 32 , 170 - 172 10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.07.011