Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/rec.12678
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) GLMM BACI environmental impact analysis shows coastal dune restoration reduces seed predation on an endangered plant
Author Pardini, E.A.; Parsons, L.S.; Ştefan, V.; Knight, T.M.
Source Titel Restoration Ecology
Year 2018
Department BZF; iDiv
Volume 26
Issue 6
Page From 1190
Page To 1194
Language englisch
Keywords Ammophila arenaria; apparent competition; BACI; GLMM; Lupinus tidestromii; seed predation
UFZ wide themes RU1;
Abstract Invasive plants create refuge habitat for predators that results in increased levels of seed predation on native plants. We test the effects of a large‐scale removal of the invasive plant Ammophila arenaria on the predispersal seed predation rate experienced by an endangered plant in a coastal dune ecosystem. Restoration resulted in a large and lasting reduction in seed predation in this system, and reducing predation could be an explicit goal in future restoration projects. The generalized linear mixed statistical model with a BACI (before‐after‐control‐impact) design used here is a useful, flexible model that can be applied to analyze other large‐scale restoration activities.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Pardini, E.A., Parsons, L.S., Ştefan, V., Knight, T.M. (2018):
GLMM BACI environmental impact analysis shows coastal dune restoration reduces seed predation on an endangered plant
Restor. Ecol. 26 (6), 1190 - 1194 10.1111/rec.12678