Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.168 |
Document | author version |
Title (Primary) | Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization |
Author | Limasset, E.; Pizzol, L.; Merly, C.; Gatchett, A.M.; Le Guern, C.; Martinát, S.; Klusáček, P.; Bartke, S. |
Source Titel | Science of the Total Environment |
Year | 2018 |
Department | OEKON |
Volume | 622–623 |
Page From | 997 |
Page To | 1008 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | Brownfield inventory database; Brownfield prioritization tool; Sustainable brownfield regeneration; Stakeholders; Tool designing |
UFZ wide themes | RU6; |
Abstract | The regeneration of brownfields has been increasingly recognized as a key instrument in sustainable land management, since free developable land (or so called “greenfields”) has become a scare and more expensive resource, especially in densely populated areas. However, the complexity of these sites requires considerable efforts to successfully complete their revitalization projects, thus requiring the development and application of appropriate tools to support decision makers in the selection of promising sites where efficiently allocate the limited financial resources. The design of effective prioritization tools is a complex process, which requires the analysis and consideration of critical points of attention (PoAs) which has been identified considering the state of the art in literature, and lessons learned from previous developments of regional brownfield (BF) prioritization processes, frameworks and tools. Accordingly, we identified 5 PoAs, namely 1) Assessing end user needs and orientation discussions, 2) Availability and quality of the data needed for the BF prioritization tool, 3) Communication and stakeholder engagement 4) Drivers of regeneration success, and 5) Financing and application costs. To deepen and collate the most recent knowledge on the topics from scientists and practitioners, we organized a focus group discussion within a special session at the AquaConSoil (ACS) conference 2017, where participants were asked to add their experience and thoughts to the discussion in order to identify the most significant and urgent points of attention in BF prioritization tool design. The result of this assessment is a comprehensive table (Table 2), which can support problem owners, investors, service providers, regulators, public and private land managers, decision makers etc. in the identification of the main aspects (sub-topics) to be considered and their relative influences and in the comprehension of the general patterns and challenges to be faced when dealing with the development of BF prioritization tools. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Limasset, E., Pizzol, L., Merly, C., Gatchett, A.M., Le Guern, C., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., Bartke, S. (2018): Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization Sci. Total Environ. 622–623 , 997 - 1008 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.168 |