Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.011
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning
Author Turkelboom, F.; Leone, M.; Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E.; García-Llorente, M.; Baró, F.; Termansen, M.; Barton, D.N.; Berry, P.; Stange, E.; Thoonen, M.; Kalóczkai, A.; Vadineanu, A.; Castro, A.J.; Czúcz, B.; Röckmann, C.; Wurbs, D.; Odee, D.; Preda, E.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Rusch, G.M.; Martínez Pastur, G.; Palomo, I.; Dick, J.; Casaer, J.; van Dijk, J.; Priess, J.A.; Langemeyer, J.; Mustajoki, J.; Kopperoinen, L.; Baptist, M.J.; Peri, P.L.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Aszalós, R.; Roy, S.B.; Luque, S.; Rusch, V.
Source Titel Ecosystem Services
Year 2018
Department CLE
Volume 29
Issue Part C
Page From 566
Page To 578
Language englisch
Keywords Trade-off analytical framework; Ecosystem use; Property regimes; Stakeholder responses; Real-world case studies
UFZ wide themes RU1;
Abstract Spatial planning has to deal with trade-offs between various stakeholders’ wishes and needs as part of planning and management of landscapes, natural resources and/or biodiversity. To make ecosystem services (ES) trade-off research more relevant for spatial planning, we propose an analytical framework, which puts stakeholders, their land-use/management choices, their impact on ES and responses at the centre. Based on 24 cases from around the world, we used this framing to analyse the appearance and diversity of real-world ES trade-offs. They cover a wide range of trade-offs related to ecosystem use, including: land-use change, management regimes, technical versus nature-based solutions, natural resource use, and management of species. The ES trade-offs studied featured a complexity that was far greater than what is often described in the ES literature. Influential users and context setters are at the core of the trade-off decision-making, but most of the impact is felt by non-influential users. Provisioning and cultural ES were the most targeted in the studied trade-offs, but regulating ES were the most impacted. Stakeholders’ characteristics, such as influence, impact faced, and concerns can partially explain their position and response in relation to trade-offs. Based on the research findings, we formulate recommendations for spatial planning.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Turkelboom, F., Leone, M., Jacobs, S., Kelemen, E., García-Llorente, M., Baró, F., Termansen, M., Barton, D.N., Berry, P., Stange, E., Thoonen, M., Kalóczkai, A., Vadineanu, A., Castro, A.J., Czúcz, B., Röckmann, C., Wurbs, D., Odee, D., Preda, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Rusch, G.M., Martínez Pastur, G., Palomo, I., Dick, J., Casaer, J., van Dijk, J., Priess, J.A., Langemeyer, J., Mustajoki, J., Kopperoinen, L., Baptist, M.J., Peri, P.L., Mukhopadhyay, R., Aszalós, R., Roy, S.B., Luque, S., Rusch, V. (2018):
When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning
Ecosyst. Serv. 29 (Part C), 566 - 578 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.011