Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s00442-016-3759-2
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Title (Primary) Competition overwhelms the positive plant–soil feedback generated by an invasive plant
Author Crawford, K.M.; Knight, T.M.
Source Titel Oecologia
Year 2017
Department BZF; iDiv
Volume 183
Issue 1
Page From 211
Page To 220
Language englisch
Keywords Lespedeza cuneata; PrairieInvasion; Soil microbes; Plant–soil feedback
UFZ wide themes RU1;
Abstract Invasive plant species can modify soils in a way that benefits their fitness more than the fitness of native species. However, it is unclear how competition among plant species alters the strength and direction of plant–soil feedbacks. We tested how community context altered plant–soil feedback between the non-native invasive forb Lespedeza cuneata and nine co-occurring native prairie species. In a series of greenhouse experiments, we grew plants individually and in communities with soils that differed in soil origin (invaded or uninvaded by L. cuneata) and in soils that were live vs. sterilized. In the absence of competition, L. cuneata produced over 60% more biomass in invaded than uninvaded soils, while native species performance was unaffected. The absence of a soil origin effect in sterile soil suggests that the positive plant–soil feedback was caused by differences in the soil biota. However, in the presence of competition, the positive effect of soil origin on L. cuneata growth disappeared. These results suggest that L. cuneata may benefit from positive plant–soil feedback when establishing populations in disturbed landscapes with few interspecific competitors, but does not support the hypothesis that plant–soil feedbacks influence competitive outcomes between L. cuneata and native plant species. These results highlight the importance of considering whether competition influences the outcome of interactions between plants and soils.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Crawford, K.M., Knight, T.M. (2017):
Competition overwhelms the positive plant–soil feedback generated by an invasive plant
Oecologia 183 (1), 211 - 220 10.1007/s00442-016-3759-2