Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.5675/HyWa_2016.4_2 |
Title (Primary) | Untersuchung eines renaturierten Mooreinzugsgebiets an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste – Teil II: Salzdynamik und Wasserhaushalt. Investigation of a renatured fen catchment on the Baltic Sea coast of Mecklenburg - Part II: Salt dynamics and water balance |
Author | Selle, B.; Graeff, T.; Salzmann, T.; Oswald, S.E.; Walther, M.; Miegel, K. |
Source Titel | Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung |
Year | 2016 |
Department | CHS; ENVINF |
Volume | 60 |
Issue | 4 |
Page From | 259 |
Page To | 268 |
Language | deutsch |
UFZ wide themes | RU5; |
Abstract | Coastal fens like the nature reserve "Hutelmoor und Heiligensee" (north-eastern Germany) are important landscape elements along the southern Baltic coast, which exchange fresh water and brackish water with the Baltic Sea. These exchange processes can be understood as experiments with a natural tracer, which may be used to investigate the hydrologic behaviour of these fen systems. With the establishment of coastal protection measures such as dunes and dikes, the installation of surface drainage and, more recently, also nature conservation measures, the hydrologic regime of these coastal wetlands has constantly altered over the last centuries.The rehabilitated wetland "Hutelnnoor und Heiligensee" is suitable for an analysis of hydrologic change as it has been monitored over the time period since nature conservation measures started in the 1990s. Collected data sets included observation of groundwater levels and electrical conductivities, weather data as well as discharge at the outlet of the drainage catchment. In this article, as a second part of the dual publication, processes and quantified process magnitudes have been identified that govern the salt balance of the study area including its variability in space and time. It was detected that - over the period of rehabilitation - salt water entered the catchment with an episodic storm surge by wave overtopping of dunes in 1995. The intruded brackish water was then diluted, which was a slow process extending over decades. It was governed by local groundwater recharge from precipitation and the inflow of relatively fresh groundwater from the hinterland. It is concluded that salt inputs from the Baltic Sea provide a natural tracer of hydrological processes, which can be readily monitored via electrical conductivity measurements. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Selle, B., Graeff, T., Salzmann, T., Oswald, S.E., Walther, M., Miegel, K. (2016): Untersuchung eines renaturierten Mooreinzugsgebiets an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste – Teil II: Salzdynamik und Wasserhaushalt. Investigation of a renatured fen catchment on the Baltic Sea coast of Mecklenburg - Part II: Salt dynamics and water balance Hydrol. Wasserbewirtsch. 60 (4), 259 - 268 10.5675/HyWa_2016.4_2 |