Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Laser microscopy for the study of biofilms : issues and options
Title (Secondary) Aquatic biofilms : ecology, water quality and wastewater treatment
Author Neu, T.R.; Lawrence, J.R.
Publisher RomanĂ­, A.M.; Guasch, H.; Balaguer, M.D.
Year 2016
Department FLOEK
Page From 29
Page To 45
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes RU2;
UFZ inventory Leipzig, Bibliothek, Hauptlesesaal, 00508810, 16-0289 DK: 579.262. Aqua
Abstract In this review, river biofilms and the various structural aspects of environmental biofilms are discussed. These include sample type and origin, cellular and polymeric constituents as well as examination at the micro- and meso-scale. For this purpose, selected studies are considered taking advantage of the confocal imaging approach for investigation of hydrated environmental biofilm samples. Emphasis is put on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) as a multi-functional component of microbial biofilms. The main technical focus is on laser scanning microscopy by means of 3-dimensional, multichannel imaging, specific staining techniques and digital image analysis. The advantages and limitations of the approach are critically assessed. Finally, research needs are listed in order to advance understanding of complex, environmental, real world biofilms.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Neu, T.R., Lawrence, J.R. (2016):
Laser microscopy for the study of biofilms : issues and options
In: RomanĂ­, A.M., Guasch, H., Balaguer, M.D. (eds.)
Aquatic biofilms : ecology, water quality and wastewater treatment
Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, p. 29 - 45