Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1177/1070496515619651
Title (Primary) Public choice and urban water tariffs—Analytical framework and evidence from Peru
Author Felgendreher, S.; Lehmann, P.
Source Titel Journal of Environment & Development
Year 2016
Department OEKON
Volume 25
Issue 1
Page From 73
Page To 99
Language englisch
Keywords Peru; political economy; public choice; water sector reform; water tariffs
UFZ wide themes RU6
Abstract Many developing countries face the challenge to implement water sector reforms to improve service quality. Our analysis focuses primarily on barriers to increases in water tariffs, which are usually a main pillar of water sector reforms. Discussing the case of Peru, we illustrate that the specific structure of voting water users together with the self-interest driven behavior of politicians on the local and central level can explain why actors refrain from implementing higher water tariffs. Water suppliers on the local level are subject to strong political interference by local politicians. To address such barriers, water tariff reforms may need to be accompanied by more fundamental institutional reforms, for example, by merging local to regional water suppliers, as well as by public campaigns making the use of funds from tariff increments for service improvements more transparent and tangible for water users.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Felgendreher, S., Lehmann, P. (2016):
Public choice and urban water tariffs—Analytical framework and evidence from Peru
J. Env. Dev. 25 (1), 73 - 99 10.1177/1070496515619651