Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1002/2015GL066363
Title (Primary) Vulnerability of water availability in India due to climate change: A bottom-up probabilistic Budyko analysis
Author Singh, R.; Kumar, R. ORCID logo
Source Titel Geophysical Research Letters
Year 2015
Department CHS
Volume 42
Issue 22
Page From 9799
Page To 9807
Language englisch
Keywords budyko; water availability; vulnerability of water resources; bottom-up; critical climate thresholds; India
UFZ wide themes RU5;
Abstract Quantifying the dependence of future water availability on changing climate is critical for water resources planning and management in water stressed countries like India. However, this remains a challenge as long-term streamflow data is scarce and there are significant uncertainties regarding future climate change. We present a bottom-up probabilistic Budyko framework that estimates the vulnerability of available water to changing climate using three hydro-climatic variables: long-term precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration. We assimilate these variables within a probabilistic Budyko framework to derive estimates of water availability and associated uncertainty. We then explore a large range of possible future climates to identify critical climate thresholds and their spatial variation across India. Based on this exploratory analysis, we find that Southern India is most susceptible to changing climate with less than 10% decrease in precipitation causing a 25% decrease in water availability.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Singh, R., Kumar, R. (2015):
Vulnerability of water availability in India due to climate change: A bottom-up probabilistic Budyko analysis
Geophys. Res. Lett. 42 (22), 9799 - 9807 10.1002/2015GL066363