Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2007.00214.x
Title (Primary) The power of regeneration: lessons from a degraded grassland
Author Blanke, V.; Schulze, B.; Gerighausen, U.; Küster, S.; Rothe, R.; Schulze, H.; Siñeriz, M.
Source Titel Restoration Ecology
Year 2007
Department BOOEK
Volume 15
Issue 2
Page From 307
Page To 311
Language englisch
Keywords ecosystem functioning; grassland; industrial pollution; regeneration; restoration; Steudnitz
Abstract To gain insight into mechanisms controlling ecosystem regeneration, we investigated a grassland that was heavily polluted by a phosphate fertilizer factory between 1960 and 1990. Abiotic and biotic filters that influenced species assemblage and succession were monitored and restoration approaches assessed. Studies included the investigation of soil parameters, impact of abiotic stress on microbes and plants, plant succession, recolonization mechanisms, functional group interactions, mycorrhizal diversity and function, and food web analysis. Results indicate that after cessation of pollution, the system had high potential for self-recovery. About 15 years of research are now summarized by interrelating the results of all projects and fitting them into one conceptual model.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Blanke, V., Schulze, B., Gerighausen, U., Küster, S., Rothe, R., Schulze, H., Siñeriz, M. (2007):
The power of regeneration: lessons from a degraded grassland
Restor. Ecol. 15 (2), 307 - 311 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2007.00214.x