Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.05.007
Title (Primary) Individual-based modeling of soil organic matter in NetLogo: Transparent, user-friendly, and open
Author Banitz, T. ORCID logo ; Gras, A.; Ginovart, M.
Source Titel Environmental Modelling & Software
Year 2015
Department OESA
Volume 71
Page From 39
Page To 45
Language englisch
Keywords Individual-based model; Soil organic matter; Soil microorganisms; Mineralization; Nitrification; NetLogo
UFZ wide themes RU5;
Abstract Soil organic matter dynamics are essential for terrestrial ecosystem functions as they affect biogeochemical cycles and, thus, the provision of plant nutrients or the release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Most of the involved processes are driven by microorganisms. To investigate and understand these processes, individual-based models allow analyzing complex microbial systems' behavior based on rules and conditions for individual entities within these systems, taking into account local interactions and individual variations. Here, we present a streamlined, user-friendly and open version of the individual-based model INDISIM-SOM, which describes the mineralization of soil carbon and nitrogen. It was implemented in NetLogo, a widely used and easily accessible software platform especially designed for individual-based simulation models. Including powerful means to observe the model behavior and a standardized documentation, this increases INDISIM-SOM's range of potential uses and users, and facilitates the exchange among soil scientists as well as between different modeling approaches.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Banitz, T., Gras, A., Ginovart, M. (2015):
Individual-based modeling of soil organic matter in NetLogo: Transparent, user-friendly, and open
Environ. Modell. Softw. 71 , 39 - 45 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.05.007