Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Reports
Title (Primary) The European butterfly indicator for grassland species 1990-2013
Author van Swaay, C.A.M.; van Strien, A.J.; Aghababyan, K.; Åström, S.; Botham, M.; Brereton, T.; Chambers, P.; Collins, S.; Domènech Ferrés, M.; Escobés, R.; Feldmann, R. ORCID logo ; Fernández-García, J.M.; Fontaine, B.; Goloshchapova, S.; Gracianteparaluceta, A.; Harpke, A.; Heliölä, J.; Khanamirian, G.; Julliard, R.; Kühn, E.; Lang, A.; Leopold, P.; Loos, J.; Maes, D.; Mestdagh, X.; Monasterio, Y.; Munguira, M.L.; Murray, T.; Musche, M.; Õunap, E.; Pettersson, L.; Popoff, S.; Prokofev, I.; Roth, T.; Roy, D.; Settele, J.; Stefanescu, C.; Švitra, G.; Teixeira, S.M.; Tiitsaar, A.; Verovnik, R.; Warren, M.
Source Titel Report VS
Year 2015
Department BZF; iDiv
Volume 2015.009
Page To 37
Language englisch
Keywords Butterfly; Monitoring; Trend; Index; Europe; European Union; Indicator; Biodiversity
UFZ wide themes RU1;
Persistent UFZ Identifier
van Swaay, C.A.M., van Strien, A.J., Aghababyan, K., Åström, S., Botham, M., Brereton, T., Chambers, P., Collins, S., Domènech Ferrés, M., Escobés, R., Feldmann, R., Fernández-García, J.M., Fontaine, B., Goloshchapova, S., Gracianteparaluceta, A., Harpke, A., Heliölä, J., Khanamirian, G., Julliard, R., Kühn, E., Lang, A., Leopold, P., Loos, J., Maes, D., Mestdagh, X., Monasterio, Y., Munguira, M.L., Murray, T., Musche, M., Õunap, E., Pettersson, L., Popoff, S., Prokofev, I., Roth, T., Roy, D., Settele, J., Stefanescu, C., Švitra, G., Teixeira, S.M., Tiitsaar, A., Verovnik, R., Warren, M. (2015):
The European butterfly indicator for grassland species 1990-2013
Report VS 2015.009
De Vlinderstichting, Wageningen, 37 pp.