Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
DOI 10.13140/2.1.4707.6166
Title (Primary) Stakeholder engagement to achieve social-licensing for novel technologies in mine-site development – applying lessons-learnt from EO-MINERS to I2Mine
Title (Secondary) Proceedings of the AIMS 2014 6th International Symposium "High Performance Mining", 11-12 June, 2014, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Author Falck, W.E.; Hejny, H.H.; Spangenberg, J.H.; Wittmer, D.
Publisher Martens, P.N.
Source Titel Aachen International Mining Symposia - AIMS
Year 2014
Department BZF
Volume 13
Page From 611
Page To 620
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes RU1;
Abstract Achieving social-licensing becomes increasingly an indispensable prerequisite for the successful and sustainable development of mining projects. Stakeholder acceptance may not only extend to the acceptance of the mine site and its environmental and social impacts as such, but also to the mode of its operation. This may include the mining techniques, health & safety issues, as well as the techniques used to monitor compliance with environmental and other applicable standards. The recently completed FP7 project EO-MINERS faced this kind of challenges of soliciting stakeholder input into the development of techniques for monitoring the environmental and socio-economic development at mine sites. This paper examines the experiences gained in the EOMINERS
project with social demand-based formulations of technical requirements in order to develop a strategy for application within the I2Mine project.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Falck, W.E., Hejny, H.H., Spangenberg, J.H., Wittmer, D. (2014):
Stakeholder engagement to achieve social-licensing for novel technologies in mine-site development – applying lessons-learnt from EO-MINERS to I2Mine
In: Martens, P.N. (ed.)
Proceedings of the AIMS 2014 6th International Symposium "High Performance Mining", 11-12 June, 2014, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Aachen International Mining Symposia - AIMS 13
International Symposium Mineral Resources and Mine Development / RWTH Aachen, Institut für Bergbaukunde, Aachen, 611 - 620 10.13140/2.1.4707.6166