Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1021/pr500722k
Title (Primary) Establishing a reliable multiple reaction monitoring-based method for the quantification of obesity-associated comorbidities in serum and adipose tissue requires intensive clinical validation
Author Oberbach, A.; Schlichting, N.; Neuhaus, J.; Kullnick, Y.; Lehmann, S.; Heinrich, M.; Dietrich, A.; Mohr, F.W.; von Bergen, M.; Baumann, S.
Source Titel Journal of Proteome Research
Year 2014
Volume 13
Issue 12
Page From 5784
Page To 5800
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes RU3;
Abstract Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) based mass spectrometric quantification of peptides offers the chance to analyze various analytes in parallel and is feasible for analysis of tissues secreting the markers of interest. In obesity research biomarkers reflecting multiple comorbidities and allow monitoring of therapy outcomes are required. Surprisingly, studies comparing MRM datasets with established methods are rare and therefore the biological and clinical value remains questionable. A nano-UPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of obesity related surrogate markers in serum and adipose tissue was established. Proteotypic peptides for complement C3, adiponectin, angiotensinogen, and plasma retinol binding protein (RBP4) were quantified and compared to ELISA. MRM-method variabilities were mainly below 10%. The comparison with other MS-based approaches showed a good correlation, while large differences were obtained versus ELISA. The verification of MRM was performed in lean and obese phenotype and was able to discriminate cohorts. Additionally weight loss related changes of surrogate markers were monitored in obese phenotype after gastric bypass surgery in a seven months follow-up. However, inclusion of additional biomarkers was necessary to interpret data properly. Finally, the establishing of disease related MRMs should include steps of matching data with clinically approved standard methods and defining reference values in convenient cohorts.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Oberbach, A., Schlichting, N., Neuhaus, J., Kullnick, Y., Lehmann, S., Heinrich, M., Dietrich, A., Mohr, F.W., von Bergen, M., Baumann, S. (2014):
Establishing a reliable multiple reaction monitoring-based method for the quantification of obesity-associated comorbidities in serum and adipose tissue requires intensive clinical validation
J. Proteome Res. 13 (12), 5784 - 5800 10.1021/pr500722k