Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1016/j.mimet.2014.02.006 |
Title (Primary) | Primer pairs for the specific environmental detection and T-RFLP analysis of the ubiquitous flagellate taxa Chrysophyceae and Kinetoplastea |
Author | Glaser, K.; Kuppardt, A.; Krohn, S.; Heidtmann, A.; Harms, H.; Chatzinotas, A. |
Source Titel | Journal of Microbiological Methods |
Year | 2014 |
Department | UMB |
Volume | 100 |
Page From | 8 |
Page To | 16 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | Soil protists; Bacterivorous flagellates; Kinetoplastea; Chrysophyceae; 18S rRNA gene; T-RLFP |
UFZ wide themes | RU3; |
Abstract | Bacterivorous protists play a key role in microbial soil food webs, however due to the lack of specific PCR protocols targeting selected protist taxa, knowledge on the diversity and dynamics of these groups is scarce. We developed specific PCR primers in combination with a T-RFLP protocol for the cultivation-independent analysis of two important taxa of bacterivorous flagellates, the Chrysophyceae and Kinetoplastea, in soil samples. Sequence analysis of clone libraries originating from two soils in temperate regions demonstrated the specificity of the respective primer pairs. Clone sequences affiliating to the Chrysophyceae mainly clustered within the clade C2, which has been known so far for its presence mainly in cold climatic regions, whereas Kinetoplastea sequences were mainly related to the Neobodonid clade. Based on an in silico restriction analysis of database sequence entries, suitable restriction enzymes for a T-RFLP approach were selected. This in silico approach revealed the necessity to use a combination of two restriction enzymes for T-RFLP analysis of the Chrysophyceae. Soil T-RFLP profiles reflected all T-RFs of the clone library sequences obtained from the same soils and allowed to distinguish flagellate communities from different sites. We propose to use these primer pairs for PCR detection and rapid fingerprint screening in environmental samples and envisage their use also for quantitative PCR or next generation sequencing approaches. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Glaser, K., Kuppardt, A., Krohn, S., Heidtmann, A., Harms, H., Chatzinotas, A. (2014): Primer pairs for the specific environmental detection and T-RFLP analysis of the ubiquitous flagellate taxa Chrysophyceae and Kinetoplastea J. Microbiol. Methods 100 , 8 - 16 10.1016/j.mimet.2014.02.006 |