Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Report articles
Title (Primary) A landscape-based ecological model to design a cost-effective compensation payment scheme for the conservation of two endangered butterflies
Title (Secondary) Eco-complexity and dynamics of the cultural landscape. Abstracts of the talks and posters presented at the 34th annual conference of the Ecological Society in Giessen, September 13th-17th, 2004
Author Drechsler, M.; Johst, K.; Wätzold, F.; Settele, J.; Bergmann, H.
Publisher Otte, A.; Simmering, D.; Eckstein, L.; Hölzel, N.; Waldhardt, R.
Source Titel Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year 2004
Department OEKON; BZF; OESA
Volume 34
Page From 327
Language englisch
UFZ inventory Halle - Biozönose, Zentralbibliothek, 05-0434, 00490276
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., Settele, J., Bergmann, H. (2004):
A landscape-based ecological model to design a cost-effective compensation payment scheme for the conservation of two endangered butterflies
In: Otte, A., Simmering, D., Eckstein, L., Hölzel, N., Waldhardt, R. (eds.)
Eco-complexity and dynamics of the cultural landscape. Abstracts of the talks and posters presented at the 34th annual conference of the Ecological Society in Giessen, September 13th-17th, 2004
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 34
Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), Berlin, p. 327